Thursday, November 25, 2010

30 before 30

Lately I've been browsing a lot of different blogs for organizing ideas and I came across this awesome site IHeart Organizing. I have found a lot of exciting inspiration for organizing the many areas of our home. I love her design style, who knew organizing could have style? I have also decided that I needed to add some things to my "bucket list" and then I decided that I should have a deadline for some of the things on my list. In the end I came up with a list of 30 things to do before I turn 30. That gives me about a year and a half to cross of some things from my bucket list. I've been making a lot of decisions lately, which is out of character for me. I'm usually indecisive about things but I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone and live a little. Anyway, my list is below, next to some of my 28th birthday photos!birthday
30 Before 30
1. Print off and organize photos
2. Finish making babies
3. Plant my garden
4. Get back into music
5. See the Grand Canyon
6. Get a tattoo (done)
7. Go to more plays
8. Organize every room
9. Visit the Science Museum in Minneapolis
10. Create and stick to a budgetbirthday2
11. Take the kids to Disneyland
12. Complete a Bible study
13. Go back to New Orleans with Will
14. Love Dare
15. Blog more, Facebook less (deleted facebook account,done)
16. Create a mom cave
17. Make the kids a playroom
18. Eat out less, entertain more
19. Clean out the storage unit
20. More date nights
21. Go wine tastingbirthday3
22. Have a family portrait taken (done)
23. Buy a fancy camera that takes awesome photos
24. Take yoga classes
25. Get my nose pierced
26. Pray and meditate more often
27. Stay at a Bed & Breakfast
28. Have more fun
29. Save $5,000
30. Make a quilt
As far as organizing my house I did manage to get my mudroom organized to be more functional for our family. It still has some work to go before it's to my standard but it's a good start! At least I got the cupboard in order, I added a shelf for coats, a shoe rack and some cork board along with a wall calendar. I’m super excited to finish it! All of this, the list and the organizing, is all an effort to make my life more complete. An attempt at living a fulfilling journey.

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