Saturday, October 9, 2010

Becoming Zen

Since June life has dramatically changed for my family. I went from working 40 hours a week as a secretary to being self employed. I'm finding that while I love working at home and being my own boss, it does hold certain challenges. A quick example of this would be sleep, now I can sleep whenever I want and it has made me slightly lazy. This "I can do it later" mentality is slowly making my anxiety levels soar because now I have an incredible amount to do. Before when I went away to work I had the opportunity to step away and write down all of the things I wanted to get done, there was a sense of order to everything. Now that I stay at home everyday it all just stares me in the face and most days I don't know where to begin. So, in an effort to bring some type of order back to my life I'm trying to be more zen. Strangely enough Benjamin Franklin's 13 Virtues is pretty zen, so I'm going to attempt to live the next year based on living simply, not spending unnecessarily and striving to be more zen. Referring back to my readings from Not Buying It, I'm going to spend less, buy used and really ask myself if I Need or Want something. Wish me luck!

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