Friday, January 21, 2011


It's been awhile since I last wrote, I've been doing a lot of blogging research. An attempt at motivating myself to become organized. I'm in love with IHeart Organizing, I following it regularly to get inspiration for my house. It's kind of fun starting over in a new house, yet it's frustrating because I don't have the funds to do all of the projects that I would like to tackle. I'm in process of organizing my filing system and daily routines. It's hard with our business to keep a daily routine because our schedule is all over the place. With random caterings and banquets it's also hard to keep the kids on track as well. I'm exhausted most days not only by the frigid MN weather but with ALL the projects that I would like to do. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with chores, unpacking, work, kids. I'd like to take a little more time for myself but that won't happen for a few more weeks. We've been blessed with a busy February! Yay! I can't complain about working in these winter months, it makes the time pass more quickly and it definitely keeps the bills payed. I stumbled across this article on titled "Simple Things You Can Do to Feel Fabulous Every Morning". It made me think about my morning routine, no matter what my schedule is I think I can fit a few of these into it. Peace be with you!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I can't believe that it's already 2011, I woke up this morning with a sort of calm feeling. This is a new year, a chance to start fresh and I actually felt that way when I woke up. Then I saw the clock and it was nearly 10 am and I immediately thought, I better get out of bed before Will comes in and thinks I'm totally lazy (he's been up since 6am cleaning the ballroom and shoveling snow). I did marry a magnificent man! If it makes any difference ( a plee for my case) we did have a wedding last night and I didn't fall asleep until nearly 2 am. It seems that the Dr. Pepper that I was drinking by the gallon to stay awake had finally taken effect. The brain just wouldn't shut off. So I guess it's resolution time. I'm not a huge fan of resolutions however since I've started my own list of things to accomplish before I'm thirty I felt that it was pretty appropriate to create a resolution list as well... see the Dr. Pepper I think is still in effect! Then I thought, should my resolutions be completely different from my 30 before 30 list? I felt like some of them could be different so as not to have two identical lists, but then I thought that maybe I could include a few that I'm really desperate about completing. Below is a photo of us from New Years 2010, sadly no photo ops last night because of work. Cheers to a happy and blessed 2011!

2011 Resolutions
1. Complete the 101 day challenge (you have to read Just Do It).
2. Take my vitamins ... every day.
3. Yell less at my children (I'm not saying that I continually scream at them, however I can fly off the handle pretty easily).
4. Get more organized.
5. Curse less (seriously I drop the F-bomb too much).